"Hindsight gained from being singed by fire is good training for acquiring foresight."
IBM's Twentieth-Century Corporate Practices and Leadership Heritage
This is a place to remind IBMers about their history and heritage.
The topics on this site vary from just tidbits of information about IBM and its employees that are found on a day-to-day basis such as the "Songs of the IBM," or they are stories resulting from months of in-depth research. In many cases, this is research that has never been done before.
These in-depth articles include the "The Story of the IBM Machine Records Units (MRUs) in World War II" and "Thomas J. Watson Sr. and the USO Camp Shows." Both of these articles took months of investigation, and they had never been researched and documented. |
National Archives Identifier: 2049853
It is amazing how few people know how much IBM contributed to our country politically and socially as well as economically. If you use the material here, please link back to it to give the appropriate credit to this personal effort [it also helps our SEO efforts]. Users are not tracked on this web site, nor are visitors distracted by advertising pop-ups. Link with confidence knowing that we will treat your readers with respect.
If you want to contribute, contact us and contribute your story, send in your IBM memorabilia, or buy, read and review one of our books about IBM: THINK Again!, A View from Beneath the Dancing Elephant, or The World's Greatest Salesman.
The stories in this section can be accessed from the "20TH Century IBM" menu above or by selecting one of the menu buttons below which are supported with additional descriptive text.
IBM's Twentieth Century Performance and Practices
Utilizing information from this discussion and providing detailed performance data for each of IBM's individual chief executive officers we examine the following areas so the reader can answer the question for themselves. We study how each chief executive either did or did not:
So, this section starts with a history of employee benefits but doesn't stop there.
Take a glance at this chart and see if you can tell that I was an "AS/400 Systems Engineer."
Topics include but are not limited to the following: